Christmas is the best holiday season of the year. It's a time that brings family together, people take time off work, friends connect, and love is shared through gifts and Jesus, the Savior of the world is celebrated. Christmas rocks!
The more I have learned about what Jesus did for me, the more jazzed about Christmas I become. He is the God-man. His virgin birth sealed the deal and welcomed redemption to the world as the one prophesied - fully human and fully God. No man could redeem us from our sin so God sent his only Son to pay the ransom so that we could be set free. That is phenomenal news! We don't have to pay a sin debt with our lives; Jesus paid it in full. He is the sinless, sufficient and the Savior of the world. Unlike other years during this season, I've been captured by the hard fact that my salvation is so complete in Him. I know Christmas has impacted you as well? Let me know what Christmas means to you and enjoy yourself with family and friends.
The more I have learned about what Jesus did for me, the more jazzed about Christmas I become. He is the God-man. His virgin birth sealed the deal and welcomed redemption to the world as the one prophesied - fully human and fully God. No man could redeem us from our sin so God sent his only Son to pay the ransom so that we could be set free. That is phenomenal news! We don't have to pay a sin debt with our lives; Jesus paid it in full. He is the sinless, sufficient and the Savior of the world. Unlike other years during this season, I've been captured by the hard fact that my salvation is so complete in Him. I know Christmas has impacted you as well? Let me know what Christmas means to you and enjoy yourself with family and friends.
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