We live in an age of the "super-sized" whereby we are under the delusional thought that the bigger is always better (i.e., bigger homes, portions of food, bank accounts, shopping centers, names, followings,etc.) The church has followed suit by even espousing to a theology called "Prosperity Theology" in order to fit well into the age of the "super-sized." Recently one of the key proponents of the health and wealth gospel, rendered a statement on his website.
I can't believe that Creflo Dollar thinks that a "man-made theology" can justify him living extravagantly off of members of the church (a non-profit institution). It's also amazing to see that he and others attempt to build a "theology" around a few verses like Deuteronomy 8:18. If one takes that verse out of context, it could build a theology of prosperity but in actuality Moses was warning the people not to forget the Lord for all he has done and for what he will do in the future. When self-exaltation, greed and pride are at the heart of our pursuits, we can leverage the Scriptures to say anything we want.
Many others like Joel Osteen (although he's a positive dude), Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyers, Juanita Bynum, Paula White, Paul Crouch (TBN), Brian Houston, TD Jakes, Jesse Duplantis and Eddie Long espouse to the same teachings under the theological umbrella of "prosperity." All of these people teach doctrine that temporarily lifts people's spirits but is grossly in error. My heart breaks over what is happening to Christianity in America because of false teachers. How can a gospel of humility, sacrifice, grace and meekness lead to a gospel of excessive luxury, unimaginable wealth and greed - It's called bad theology intersecting with a depraved heart. I know plenty of God-fearing, Jesus living people who aren't riding Bentley's but nonetheless, love Jesus.
Please here my heart. I am writing this entry not to condemn them as people but to bring truth to those who are being deceived by their teachings. Join with me by praying for them and those who listen to them, attend their churches and buy into their ideologies. I'd love to hear your take on this tragedy in America.
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